Säljaren av Ferretti 620 Fly årsmodell 2004, är Bcm-Yachtsales GmbH.
Ferretti Group är en italiensk lyxyachttillverkare som grundades 1968 av Alessandro Ferretti. Företaget designar, bygger och säljer en rad fritidsbåtar och yachter under flera varumärken, inklusive Ferretti Yachts, Pershing, Riva, Custom Line och Mochi Craft. Ferretti Group är känt för sina exklusiva, handgjorda båtar och yachter, som ofta anses vara några av de mest eftertraktade och exklusiva i världen. Företaget har en global närvaro och dess produkter säljs genom ett nätverk av auktoriserade återförsäljare och agenter i mer än 80 länder.
För ytterligare information om Motorbåt Ferretti 620 Fly som exempel detaljerad båtbeskrivning, komplett båtutrustning eller fler bilder - kontakt säljaren, Bcm-Yachtsales GmbH via Skicka e-post eller använd direktlänken ovanför till den detaljerade annons hos Bcm-Yachtsales GmbH eller säljarens egen hemsida.
Bcm-Yachtsales GmbH kan ha en mer detaljerad beskrivning av Ferretti 620 Fly på tyska, engelska, danska eller nederländska. Språken väljas till höger om knappen Annoncera.
Vill du se säljarens andra Motorbåt annonser på scanboat.com - välj det via knappen, Säljares annonser.
The seller of Ferretti 620 Fly, build year 2004 is Bcm-Yachtsales GmbH.
Ferretti Group is an Italian luxury yacht manufacturer founded in 1968 by Alessandro Ferretti. The company designs, builds, and sells a range of recreational boats and yachts under several brands, including Ferretti Yachts, Pershing, Riva, Custom Line, and Mochi Craft. Ferretti Group is known for its high-end, handcrafted boats and yachts, which are often considered some of the most desirable and exclusive in the world. The company has a global presence and its products are sold through a network of authorized dealers and agents in more than 80 countries.
For further info, as description, boat equipment list or photos for Motorboat Ferretti 620 Fly - please contact Bcm-Yachtsales GmbH via Send email or use the link Sellers website above. This will link you to the detailed advert at Bcm-Yachtsales GmbH website.
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If you want to see the sellers other adverts on scanboat.com – then use the button Sellers boats, above.
Motorbåd Ferretti 620 Fly, årgang 2004. er annonceret til salg af Bcm-Yachtsales GmbH.
Ferretti Group er en italiensk luksusyachtproducent grundlagt i 1968 af Alessandro Ferretti. Virksomheden designer, bygger og sælger en række fritidsbåde og yachter under flere mærker, herunder Ferretti Yachts, Pershing, Riva, Custom Line og Mochi Craft. Ferretti Group er kendt for sine avancerede, håndlavede både og yachter, som ofte betragtes som nogle af de mest eftertragtede og eksklusive i verden. Virksomheden har en global tilstedeværelse, og dens produkter sælges gennem et netværk af autoriserede forhandlere og agenter i mere end 80 lande.
For yderligere information om Ferretti 620 Fly som til eksempel en udførlig bådbeskrivelse, båddata, komplet bådudstyrsliste eller flere fotos - kontakt venligst sælger Bcm-Yachtsales GmbH via Send E-mail.
Du kan også benytte det direkte link ovenfor, Sælgers webside, der henviser til en detaljeret bådannonce hos Bcm-Yachtsales GmbH eller Bcm-Yachtsales GmbH egen webside med mulighed for at finde yderligere præsentation af båden.
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For at se annoncer der matcher Ferretti 620 Fly skal du klikke på Lignende Motorbåd oppe i højre hjørne af denne annonce.
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Hold dig opdateret, opret en annonceagent: Så får du automatisk besked med ændringer af den annoncerede Ferretti 620 Fly eller en besked når der kommer nye Ferretti 620 Fly. Annonceagent oprettes på søgesiden ved vælge Gem Søgning. Samme mulighed for at oprette en annonceagent får du når du via Send E-mail skriver til Bcm-Yachtsales GmbH.
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Ferretti 620 Fly, Bouwjaar 2004 is te koop aangeboden, door Bcm-Yachtsales GmbH.
Ferretti Group is een Italiaanse fabrikant van luxe jachten, opgericht in 1968 door Alessandro Ferretti. Het bedrijf ontwerpt, bouwt en verkoopt een reeks recreatieve boten en jachten onder verschillende merken, waaronder Ferretti Yachts, Pershing, Riva, Custom Line en Mochi Craft. Ferretti Group staat bekend om zijn high-end, handgemaakte boten en jachten, die vaak worden beschouwd als enkele van de meest gewilde en exclusieve ter wereld. Het bedrijf is wereldwijd aanwezig en zijn producten worden verkocht via een netwerk van geautoriseerde dealers en agenten in meer dan 80 landen.
Voor meer informatie over Ferretti 620 Fly zoals een gedetailleerde bootbeschrijving, complete lijst met bootuitrusting of meer fotos - neem contact op met verkoper Bcm-Yachtsales GmbH via Verzend e-mail of gebruik de directe link hierboven, de website van de verkoper - verwijzend ernaar gedetailleerde advertentie op Bcm-Yachtsales GmbH of de eigen website van de verkoper.
Let op, Bcm-Yachtsales GmbH heeft mogelijk een meer gedetailleerde beschrijving van Ferretti 620 Fly in het Duits, Engels, Zweeds of Deens. De talen worden rechts van de knop Advertentie maken geselecteerd.
Als u advertenties voor soortgelijke boten wilt zien, zoals Ferretti 620 Fly, klikt u op Vergelijkbare Motorboten in de rechterbovenhoek van de advertentie.
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Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr!
Fordern Sie bitte eine komplette Spezifikation an und viele weitere Fotos.
of larger boats. The interior layout very comfortable and livable.
sparkling look, but at the same time able to offer a high comfort of use, worthy
The Ferretti 620: has open performance with classic fly habitability. Sporty and
open air.
the driver's station make the cruise very comfortable and relaxing to live in the
seat of the wheelhouse. The sundeck in the bow and a chaise longue next to
with table, cabinet with sink-fridge and grill located behind the three-seater
As for the flybridge, it is a beautiful living area with a large U-shaped dinette
person, the possibility of a second crew cabin with external access has been
used as a fourth cabin. Although the boat can also be driven with a single crew
enter the crew cabin with single bed and private bathroom, which can also be
raised dinette in the bow area From the kitchen, spacious and functional, you
of being transformed into a dining room by enlarging the table. A second
sofa in front that create an incomparable conversation area with the possibility
The living room is characterized by a large "U" shaped sofa and a two-seater
and separate shower.
The second guest cabin is parallel single beds with spacious private bathroom
VIP cabin, with a large double bed and a large private bathroom with separate
Spacious and comfortable is also the first guest cabin, transformed into a real
area also allow you to have more storage to use inside the cabin.
without encountering steps. A large wardrobe and the larger usable surface
cabin and it is possible to comfortably turn around the large double bed
the middle of the boat; the ceiling, therefore, is at "man height" throughout the
The master cabin has exceptional dimensions, thanks to its position almost in
and safer.
tender, while the walkway moved to the left makes the ascent to board easier
teak table and a large bench, behind which there is the davit for hauling the
The cockpit, extended in length by more than one foot, is equipped with a fixed
ethereal appearance.
the guest cabins, lighten the structure and the entire boat a more elegant and
Four large windows in the hull, two in the VIP cabin in the bow and one each in
new motor screens
Opening stern spoiler, new Raymarine touch screens, Mastervolt chargers,