Sailmakers - Sailor links
Sailmakers are professionals who specialize in the repair and maintenance of sails. Sailmakers can help repair damage to sails, e.g. if the sail is cracked or has holes, and they can also help maintain the sails so that they last longer.
There are many sailmakers in Scandinavia, Europe and of course also the rest of the world, both physical stores and online stores, and they often offer a variety of services including repairing damage to sails, sewing new sails, washing and impregnating sails, etc.
If you have sails that need repair or maintenance, this can be a good idea to contact a sailmaker for professional help. It is recommended to research different sailmakers and compare their services and prices before choosing a sailmaker.

North Sails
That North Sails manufactures more sails than any other sailmaker chain is a fact ,which shoots down the myth that North Sails only focuses on sailing-boat races. However, it is no secret that our involvement in e.g. Volvo Ocean Race and America’s Cup gives us a strong basis for manufacturing the sails for every navigation purpose. We use the experience from these navigations to develop our Easy product line that combine unsurpassed presentation with simple trimming and handling.
Visit North Sails
ROLLY TASKER SAILS - Rolly Tasker Sails has over the last 70 years successfully produced more than 2.2 million sails. Our sails are designed and constructed in our sail loft in Phuket, Thailand. Our local homebase TUCHWERKSTATT in Greifswald offers a wide range of persenningwork like sprayhoods, cockpit-enclosures, biminis, lazybags, furling covers, cushions aso. We are situated close to HANSEYACHTS / DEHLER. We speak German, English and Norwegian. Please ask for a free quotation and the date of our next measure-trip along the coastline of Denmark and Sweden.
ZAR SAILS – Special
We are a Danish-owned sailing company with an office in Nykoebing Falster. We represent various sail manufacturers in the Baltic States, Poland and Russia. Our business philosophy is that most sails can be sewn outside the borders of Denmark– of the same high quality at considerably lower prices. For that reason we are the best and cheap alternative for you who both want high prices and reasonable prices.
Visit ZAR SAILS – Special