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Linssen Grand Sturdy 33.9 AC

Build year:  2008

The Netherlands

Motorboat for sale

189,000 EUR

  • Sleeuwijk Yachting
  • Hoekeinde 24
  • 4254 LN Sleeuwijk
  • The Netherlands
  • +31(0)183 304 511
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The seller of Linssen Grand Sturdy 33.9 AC, build year 2008 is Sleeuwijk Yachting. Linssen Yachts is a Dutch company that has been designing and building high-quality motor yachts since 1949. The company is based in Maasbracht, Netherlands, and produces a wide range of yachts ranging in size from 9 meters to 14.50 meters. Linssen yachts are known for their attention to detail, high-quality construction, and innovative design. The company offers both semi-custom and fully custom yachts, and works closely with its customers to ensure that their yachts meet their specific needs and requirements. In addition to building new yachts, Linssen Yachts also offers maintenance and repair services for its yachts. For further info, as description, boat equipment list or photos for Motorboat Linssen Grand Sturdy 33.9 AC - please contact Sleeuwijk Yachting via Send email or use the link Sellers website above. This will link you to the detailed advert at Sleeuwijk Yachting website. Please notice, Sleeuwijk Yachting can have more detailed description of the Linssen Grand Sturdy 33.9 AC in German, Swedish, Danish or Dutch. These languages are chosen to the right of the Insert advert button. If you want to see the sellers other adverts on scanboat.com – then use the button Sellers boats, above.


Materiale / unit

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Motor & technic


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