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Yam 275 Air

Build year:  2022

Helsingør, Denmark

Inflatable / Rib for sale

1,020 EUR

(7,600 DKK)

  • Maritimt Center Helsingør Aps
  • Nordhavnsvej 2B
  • 3000 Helsingør
  • Denmark
  • +4527794900
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Yam 275 Air

  • Lots of boat for the money
  • Super offer
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Why not get out on the water with a YAM Air, where fun meets extra comfort? This is especially thanks to the inflatable double floor, which is extra rigid and very comfortable on the feet. At the same time, Air models, like all YAM models, are super easy to inflate, carry, use, and store. First-class performance is guaranteed - even with the smallest Yamaha outboard motor - and handling is remarkable, with excellent control and stability from the special inflatable keel and V-hull design (only for 310 Air-V). Strong D-rings and lifelines are provided, as well as a secure, integrated fuel tank strap. The PVC-coated transom is reinforced with a special support section for a Yamaha outboard motor. All you have to do is enjoy it. Prices: YAM 275 Air 7,600 DKK Package price with motor: YAMAHA M-18.....................................DKK 10,700 YAMAHA F2.5 BMHS..........................DKK 14,700 YAMAHA F6 CMHS .............................DKK 18,300 YAMAHA F9.9 JMHS...........................DKK 28,900 Come down and see our selection of YAM boats in our showroom.

Specifications Manufacturer

Materiale / unit

Hull type






Motor & technic
