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Storebro 500 motorboat | ads

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  • Boat model : Storebro 500

For nearly 70 years, Storebro Boats AB has cherished and developed its Scandinavian boat-building tradition in the forests of Småland. We value our heritage and take pride in our history while taking significant strides forward. Craftsmanship runs as a common thread through all our models and is a well-established culture in our factory. Over the years, we have put a lot of energy into developing and creating new concepts. We always leverage new technology to continuously enhance our boats. Storebro is one of the most respected brands in the boat market, renowned for solid quality. Meeting our customers' high expectations requires exceptional execution and innovative design, achievable only through a combination of openness and lofty ideals. We use high-quality materials and pay attention to details to create a refined entirety. Storebro signifies luxury.